Tuesday, October 01, 2013

The avenue

I have spent a lot of my time outdoors since moving to university. Whether it be cycling to and from campus, walking across the road to visit our friends or sitting on the bench outside because it is the only place to pick up a good internet connection. The bench also happens to be a bus stop so I have received quite a few 'looks' from passers by. I am currently sat with my headphones in watching Lisa go back and forth on her skateboard. Yes we are university students and this is how we spend our evenings.

Cycling has become a new past time of ours. Lisa is an extremely keen cyclist and it is definitely rubbing off on me. With Virginia Waters so close, our route consists of a beautiful lake and some very challenging hills. The hills were a vital lesson on the importance of gear change for me, but I survived nonetheless.

Considering it was Fresher’s Week last week, one would expect that I was in a hungover, discombobulated manner. I am, however, rather perky. More than likely because night one of freshers was spent watching Iron Man, night two of freshers was spent watching Iron Man 2, night three of freshers was spent watching Iron Man 3 and night four of freshers we went out to Liquid - mainly because we had run out of Iron Man films. It is safe to say, I am not your typical fresher. Maybe I am old before my time, or just lazy, either way I still have money in my account and a clear head, which is more than many of the first years walking around campus today.

The last couple days I have felt extremely cut off from the world. Our friends opposite have created their own little family and the guys in our house spend a lot of time out, mainly with their boyfriends/girlfriends, resulting in me having a lot of time to reflect. Thankfully I like my own company and Lisa is around a lot, otherwise I would have gone cuckoo for cocoa pops by now. A lot of lonesomeness is due to having little/nothing to do. Fingers crossed when lectures start up, I join a sports team and start working in the primary school as it will give me some structure... and a life.

In a measly attempt to find the silver lining to my dreary week, I have got a considerable amount of university work done and I have yet to have my first lecture. Apparently the history department at my university is so kind, they have jam packed all my contact hours into one day. Despite the slight annoyance I am determined to remain positive with happy thoughts of my bright pink bike and bus stop bench (which has got even better after chasing the ice cream van for a waffle cone). The day is certainly looking up.

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